World Backup Day 2016


What would you do if you lost everything? This is the tagline for the sixth annual World backup day that happens on March 31st which is growing larger year on year as many people are unaware of the dangers of not backing up their data in the case of a sudden loss of their devices.
The statistics that show how unaware people are over their data are shocking:

  • 30% of people have never backed up their data;
  • 113 phones are lost or stolen every minute of every day;
  • 29% of data loss disasters are caused by accident;
  • One of every ten computers are infected with a virus each and every month.

These statistics are provided by the people behind World Backup Day –

Clearly these statistics show that the loss of data is a very real threat to people’s personal data and while the loss of a lifetime’s worth of photos, videos and even work information is devastating to people, the loss of data for a business can be even worse with jobs lost and livelihoods ruined if data is not backed up and is then unrecoverable.

The following statistics show how badly companies can be affected by the lost of their data if they are unable to restore their information from a backup server or other source:

  • 70% of all small businesses that experience a major data loss will go out of business within 12 months;
  • 94% of companies that suffer catastrophic data loss do not survive, with 43% never reopening and 51% closing within two years of the loss of data;
  • 77% of companies that run tests on their backup tapes have found errors;
  • 50% of all backup tapes fail.

What should we take from this second set of information? Firstly, that a serious loss of vital business data is a crippling blow and is a blow that many businesses are unlikely to recover from. With the shocking statistics about the fallibility of backup tapes if they are to survive a loss of sensitive and important data companies must understand that, to be prepared in the case of the worst scenarios happening, they must have backed up their data in multiple ways and locations.

These thoughts are the reason that World Backup Day first came to be as the people in charge of the venture aim to educate everyone on the need for backing up their data. Their thoughts on this are “A good backup plan will be continuous and include multiple layers to not only recover your data but also include steps for data preservation.”

Going with the thoughts of the creators of World Backup Day, the Iperius Backup is the perfect server backup software that will enable both personal users and companies the most secure ways to ensure that their data is backed up and safe.

The following reasons are why this is the perfect free server backup software for companies to secure their data:

  • The ability to create a disk image that allows the recovery of systems via a bare-metal restore. The disk images are in VHD/VHDX format which allow the recovery of individual files or re-installation of the whole computer/server in a few clicks, even on hardware that does not match the specifications of the hardware upon which the image was created.
    The processes for creating a full disk image and restoring from Iperius Backup software can be reviewed here:
    System image backup (Drive Image) with Iperius
    Restore your computer from a system image backup
  • The Iperius Backup software can be also interfaced with a Web Console, that allows users to monitor all the backups from an easy-to-use online control panel. Users can check logs and possible errors, run a backup job or update Iperius to the latest version remotely.
    The details on using this Web Console are all stored here:
    Web console: monitor and manage backups remotely

Will you make sure that all of your personal or company data is backed up on March 31st with the free server database backup software offered by Iperius to ensure that the growth and influence of World Backup Day continues to spread?
We certainly will be doing this, and we’ll be making sure that all of our friends, family and colleagues do so too, to ensure that we are covered in case of any of the situations from the earlier mentioned, thought provoking statistics happen and our data is corrupted or lost.

(Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil))

World Backup Day: Free server database backup software
Iperius Backup Team

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